This Video Became Viral

Abiodun Adegoke is now viral after the NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal shared his video.
Shaq O'neal notice him and repost the video to his Instagram Story on 26 February 2021.
Abiodun Adegoke is a Nigerian basketball player, currently based in Dubai, UAE to train at MPAC Sports. He was recently drafted for the MPAC Elite Youth league this January 2021.
The world captured their attention about him. Having the 7.9Ft Height, he can dunk while not jumping. If Abiodun Adegoke going to play at NBA, he should be the tallest active basketball player today.
Abiodun Adegoke is featured in Sports News such as:
New York Post, The Focus News, in Australia, Parlons-Basket (France), Sportbible, Bleacher Report and many more sports news.
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